Financial Information

Benjamin School District 25 is committed to ensuring organizational efficiency and fiscal stability, while allowing students and staff to achieve their full potential in learning and teaching.  It is the primary goal of the Benjamin School District 25 Business Office to demonstrate accountability, transparency, and trustworthiness in the management of the district's financial resources.  The following information is provided to allow for transparent reporting of financial information for Benjamin School District 25.  Please contact Dr. Joel Filas, Chief School Business Official, at 630-876-7800 or via email at for additional information.

Current Request for Proposals (RFP)

Benjamin School District 25 Budget

Illinois law mandates local school districts to adopt a budget by September 30 of each school year.  Prior to adoption, the District must hold a public hearing and place a copy of the tentative budget on public display for not less than 30 days.  Once adopted, the legal budget is then filed with the State of Illinois and the DuPage County Clerk’s office within 30 days of adoption. Please use the links below to access recent Benjamin 25 School Budget:

FY24 Amended Budget

FY24 Budget

FY 23 Amended Budget

FY22 Budget

FY21 Budget

Benjamin School District 25 Tax Levy

Local property taxes serve as the primary source of revenue for Benjamin 25, and are the most stable and reliable source of income for the school district.  The Property Tax Levy is the amount of money a school district requests annually from property owners in order to fund the educational expenditures for the following school year.  The increase in property taxes the District may receive each year is limited by a tax cap (Property Tax Extension Limitation Law-PTELL). The PTELL tax cap limits property tax increases to the lessor of the prior year’s Consumer Price Index or 5%.  The Board of Education must adopt and certify the tax levy with the DuPage County Clerk no later than the last Tuesday in December.  Please use the links below to access recent Benjamin 25 Tax Levies:

2023 Tax Levy Final Extension

PTELL Rate History

2022 Certificate of Tax Levy

2022 Tax Levy Final Extension         

2021 Certificate of Tax Levy   

2021 Tax Levy Final Extension

2020 Certificate of Tax Levy

2020 Tax Levy Final Extension

Staff/Administrator Salary and Benefits

School districts are required to report to the State Board of Education, on or before October 1 of each year, the base salary and benefits of the district superintendent and all administrators and teachers employed by the school district (105 ILCS 5/10-20.47).  For the purposes of this Section, "benefits" includes without limitation vacation days, sick days, bonuses, annuities, and retirement enhancements.  Prior to this annual reporting to the State Board of Education, the information must be presented at a regular school board meeting, subject to applicable notice requirements, and then posted on the Internet website of the school district.  Please use the links below to access recent Benjamin 25 Salary Reports:




IMRF Salary and Benefits

School districts are also required to post information pertaining to salary and benefits offered through the Illinois Municipal Retirement Fund within 6 days after the final budget is approved by the Board of Education.

Please use the links below to access recent Benjamin 25 IMRF Reports:




IMRF Employer Cost and Participation Information

Annual Financial Report

The Annual Financial Report (AFR) is prepared in the form prescribed by the Illinois State Board of Education.

FY23 Annual Financial Report

FY22 Annual Financial Report           

FY21 Annual Financial Report          

FY20 Annual Financial Report

Annual Statement of Affairs

Section 10-17 of the School Code (105 ILCS 5/10-17) requires school districts/joint agreements to publish an Annual Statement of Affairs (ASA) summary report in a local newspaper of general circulation by December 1 annually. The ASA must also be submitted to the Illinois State Board of Education for posting on the agency's website by December 15 of each year, and retained in the district’s administrative offices.

Please use the links below to access recent Benjamin 25 Annual Statement of Affairs reports:





Vendor Contracts Exceeding $25,000

According to the Illinois School Code (105 ILCS 5/10-20.21), school boards are required to award all contracts for supplies, materials, or work involving an expenditure in excess of $25,000 to the lowest responsible bidder considering conformity with specifications, terms of delivery, quality, and serviceability after due advertisement. Annually, school districts must list on the district's website all vendor contracts over $25,000 and any contract that the school board enters into with an exclusive bargaining representative. This information is available at the conclusion of the prior Fiscal Year ending June 30th.

Benjamin 25 Vendor Contracts Exceeding $25,000 FY 23

Benjamin 25 Vendor Contracts Exceeding $25,000 FY 22

Auditor's Report

Each year, our auditor provides a report to the Board of Education summarizing the prior year’s financial information. Please use the links below to access recent Benjamin 25 Annual Statement of Affairs reports:                                 



School District Financial Profile

Pursuant to the authority provided by Section 1A-8 of the School Code, the Illinois State Board of Education (ISBE) has developed the “School District Financial Profile” to help monitor the finances of school districts and identify which are in or are moving toward financial difficulty. This system has replaced the “Financial Watch List and Financial Assurance and Accountability System (FAAS)” that had been used for the assessment of a school district’s financial health.  Benjamin 25 has annually received ISBE’s Highest rating since 2008.                                 

FY23 Scores based upon Fiscal Year 2022 Annual Financial Reports       

FY22: Scores, based upon Fiscal Year 2021 Annual Financial Reports

Historical Data Since FY03

Financial Profile - Calculations and Definitions

Collective Bargaining Agreement

The Board of Education has negotiated a collective bargaining agreement with the Benjamin Education Association.  Please select the following link to view the District’s current Teacher’s Contract:

2023-2028 Agreement

2018-2023 Agreement