8th Grade students standing around a table in the health room with four firefighters from the Carol Stream Fire Department

Mrs. Vidic's 4th period class has been working hard and honing their cooking skills with culinary creations like smoothies, frittatas, seasoned potatoes, and cookies.  Today they shared samples of this delicious food with our Carol Stream firefighters as a way to thank them for their service.

Four firefighters look at packaged food on a table while Mrs. Vidic gestures toward the recipe sitting next to it.

Mrs. Vidic shows the visiting firefighters the food her 8th graders have made for them.

Students hands use large knives to mince vegetables on white cutting boards.

One of the skills students practice is that of mincing.  They focus on safe handling of the knives and proper positioning to prepare the veggies for the frittata.

Students stand around a table with rolling pins and discs of cookie dough ready to roll out.

Another skill students have learned is rolling out cookie dough.  

Student hands sprinkle flour over a disc of rolled out cookie dough.

They use flour to make sure the dough does not stick to the  rolling pin and cookie cutter.

Student hands hold a heart shaped sugar cookie and spread frosting on the top of it with a butter knife.

Students enjoy frosting the cookies.  

Seven students gather around an electric skillet and grab mushroom pieces to taste.

The best part of learning about cooking and baking is taste testing!  Don't worry - their hands are clean!