Our School
Pizza and Chess
Come and join the Benjamin Chess Team for an evening of pizza and chess in the multi-purpose
room on Thursday, October 24, as we celebrate the beginning of this school year’s Chess Team!
The Chess Team will meet each Thursday from 6:00 to 7:30 pm from October 24th, through the
State Championship in March.
More information about the team, such as the 2019-2020 tournament schedule, will be
distributed at the October 24th practice.
Chess fee $45.
Please return the attached form to the school office with a check for
$45 payable to Benjamin District#25 to join. If you aren’t sure you want to become a Chess
Team member, you can still join us on Thursday the 24th. Eat, learn, and enjoy and make your
decision then.
If you have any questions, please contact
If you plan on joining, but cannot make it on the 24th, please e-mail so he can
keep you informed of any changes to the practice schedule and also upcoming tournaments.