Monday, May 13, 2024

Welcome to our school news channel - where every story is a chance to connect, learn, and grow together.

Introducing our school news channel, a platform dedicated to keeping you informed and engaged with all the latest updates and events within our school community. From exciting student achievements to important announcements.

 NJHS: On May 17th there will be an all school assembly hosted by the National Junior Honor Society. At the end of the assembly, there will be the annual staff vs. student volleyball game. Teams of six students may pay to play against the staff. This year, you must join as a team. Teams can be made up of students from different grades. Each team member will pay $1.00. Teams are guaranteed at least five minutes of playing time. Only five teams may sign up, so get your form from Mrs. Erickson or Ms. Harvel today! Completed forms must be handed in personally to Mrs. Erickson in room 126.

Student Council: Just a friendly reminder to students who signed up to be part of the Summer Leadership Camp. Money is due May 21st and should be made out to Benjamin School District 25. Email Mr. Anderson with any questions you may have. Benjamin Student Council thanks you for taking interest in this leadership opportunity.

 ABC Countdown: Tomorrow May 14th, Periods 8-1

 Student Council: Last Student Council meeting this Wednesday, May 15th, in the LMC at 7:00 a.m.

 Words of Wisdom: What do you suppose would happen if one by one by one, all the human beings on the planet - all seven billion of us - began to treat each other with a little more kindness? Would there be less violence, hatred, unhappiness? Of course, there would. So when was the last time you were in a situation that called for a little kindness? Now listen to this request by Scottish author James M. Barrie: Always be a little kinder than necessary. Today, let's be a little kinder than usual, knowing that the whole world is a better place with each individual act of kindness. With something to think about, make it a great day . . . or not. The choice is yours.